I wonder if my blog ever gets more than two readers? Looking at the lack of comments, it looks so lonely. But never fear! Someday I will have a fan club, and the most hardcore among them will look back through these old blog entries and fill them with insightful and delightful comments. Yes. It will be awesome.
I wonder if my 600+ friends on Facebook would visit more often if I blogged more often?
I wonder if having 600+ friends on Facebook is lame, or if it's a good start to building a fan base? I swear, they're all people I know. Maybe not WELL, but at least I know where I know them from.
Okay. Time for an Abby Update. Feel free to comment.
- I sold a short story to Escape Pod. No, it isn't out yet. Yes, I'll let everyone know when it comes out. No, I don't know who will narrate the podcast version. Yes, it's a really good e-zine. This story has never been rejected!
- I'm procrastinating on making edits to Torth Book 1: City of Slaves. Here's a very short prologue. What do you think? One thing I'd like to do is post the first few chapters along with a comment box, and see if I get some interactive feedback.
- My employment situation is sketchy right now. I'm feeling a need to get better at self-marketing, and/or start a business, like everyone else my age. Last week, I thought I had three job interviews lined up for this week. I might have contract work tomorrow. I've signed a lot of NDAs lately. Either the perfect storm of jobs will happen, or it will all evaporate and leave me at square one. I hate uncertainty.
- I'd like to make e-learning apps (smaller than games) that are fun (not boring), with appealing characters, and relevant to the target audience. I'm beginning to see some concrete directions to take this business idea, but I would love to find a partner(s) to work with. I wish I could write code. And the whole marketing thing will be daunting. Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
- My dating life. Do you really want to know about it? Okay, I'll tell you. I've stopped answering messages on my online dating profile due to the volume. So I'm optimistic this time around. Being single is a drag--and not a state that I intend to stay in forever--but I'm not looking to rush into another relationship that ends after a few years. No rushing. No settling. Pure pickiness. I owe this ability to Austin, which has a high male-to-female ratio. Maybe I'll change my mind in a year ... but right now, I have a nice feeling that: (a) I know what I want, (b) I'll recognize it when I see it, and (c) my next long-term relationship has a chance of becoming something permanent, owing to (a) and (b).
It will be interesting for me to reread this blog entry in a year and see what's changed.